Laval Virtual
このページはフランスLaval市で毎年3月末に開催されている欧州最大のVRイベント「Laval Virtual」についての日本語情報を提供しています。
- Laval Virtual 2017総合ページ
- Laval Virtual 2017 投稿者向けガイド ほとんどが1月中旬締切です!
- ReVolution 2017 [TransHumanism++]
- Call For Demo (Japanese)
- ReVolution Submission Guide (ReVo投稿ガイド・日本語あり)
- ReVolution 2016 [RealVirtuality]
- Laval Virtual, exhibitors pickup from 2016 Laval在住のVR企業についてまとめてみました
Laval Virtual 2017 投稿者向けコンプリートガイド! #LavalVirtual
Laval Virtual 2017 Submission Complete Guide!— Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D (@o_ob) December 22, 2016
ラヴァル注目出展者リスト作ってみました。フランスの地元VR企業を探すのに便利かも。小さい開発社までは網羅しきれていませんので行かねばです。#LavalVirtual exhibitors pickup from 2016
— Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D (@o_ob) December 21, 2016
■ 公式Web
■ 過去のLaval Virtual 関連情報
■ 公式YouTubeチャンネル
Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017 – TransHumanism++
Presentations of the world’s most innovative achievements in the field of virtual reality, augmented reality and their future applications, Laval Virtual ReVolution is an annual honor of the world’s finest VR projects by Laval Virtual. It is a hall of fame that decides the best Virtual Reality demonstration and/or application from all over the world. Virtual Reality is not only a technology but also a never ending story about the history between computers and humans. We cannot know the ending of this story yet, as we still need to find and walk one of the many possible paths that will lead us to a future navigated by brilliant stars.
Future voyagers will continue to stare at those stars along their way. While the Virtual Reality culture can also be built by academic papers or commercial products independently, we would like to suggest a new relation between developmental projects and the general public at on-site demonstrations. If a project has impact, technology and persuasiveness, it might move the general public and change our common sense. So, this means a revolution in the history of Virtual Reality.
Please try to join today’s stardom with your exciting projects and share in the activity from all over the world! We hope to accept your brilliant projects which can help to foster the current conceptions of Virtual Reality and make changes to the current human-computer interfaces and Virtual Reality history.
Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017 calls for innovative virtual reality demo projects that fall under the theme, “TransHumanism++”.
Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+) is an international intellectual movement which aims at transforming the human society by developing widely available sophisticated technologies that will greatly enhance human intelligence, physical condition, and psychological capacities.
Transhumanists support the emergence and convergence of technologies including nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. They also welcome hypothetical future technologies such as simulated reality, artificial intelligence, superintelligence, 3D bioprinting, mind uploading, chemical brain preservation and cryonics. They believe that humans can and should use these technologies to surpass the limitations of humankind.
Laval Virtual ReVolution 2017 seeks to act as a milestone for the realization of “Transhumanism + future of {Virtual Reality + Arts + Culture}”. We welcome the submission of scientific experiences and academic demos that showcase a brighter future for humankind with the aid of Transhumanism projects. Some examples of Transhumanism projects include super human sports which can be enjoyed in everywhere by anyone at every time with augmented human technologies. Demonstrations will be judged based on for their durability, innovation, and value of entertainment or human-being.
Technology Demonstration
- New device and integrations
- Super Human Sports
- Handicap and universal design experience
- Scientific Demonstration
- Large space demonstration
- Haptic interface
- Display technologies
- Interactive Arts
- Entertainment VR
- New Media Designs
- New Game Systems
- New Human Interfaces and Displays
… And new use, public testing, Proof of Concept (PoC) of VR are encouraged. The accepted abstract will be published by online proceedings.
Current Virtual Reality technology includes computer generated graphics, display technologies, haptics, force feedback and interface design in the context of implementing new experiences that encourage users to use a virtual system to enhance their real, mundane lives. It may be called as entertainment system in current virtual reality. However its function may be linked to humanism which bring us into the next generation of human being. Share your experience, and proof it in the professional and public during Laval Virtual 2017. ReVolution is best opportunity to demonstrate your projects to professional and for the grand public.
Submission via EasyChair
[Mandatory Items]
- Video: not longer than 5 min
- Abstract: Recommend to use ACM Proceedings format. The paper must be in PDF format, page should be 2 to 10 pages. File extension must be PDF.
- Install plan: logistic, floor plan and experience scenario for professional and public day
- Representative picture: a photo which can explain entire experience for the public
[Scoring Criteria]
All submissions will be reviewed by the jury committee, which consists of academic and industrial professionals of engineering and art, according to the following criteria:
Originality : Novelty in technical and artistic sense
Creativity : Bringing about interest and excitement
Feasibility : Rate of implementability to realize your concept
Safety and logistics for abroad : The project must be suitable for oversea exhibition
Attractivity : Presence and Impact for the visitor of Laval Virtual
[Submission Deadline and Result announcement]
Submission ID creation deadline: 31/DEC/2016 (End of 2016 in GMT)
Submission update close: 6/JAN/2017
Result: 23/JAN/2017
[Acceptance classes]
Invites : Flight tickets (3 person maximum), accommodation (3 person maximum), LV Party tickets + Lunch + Dinner + Stand for all days
4 projects from partner events and open competition.
Welcome: 3m x 3m Stand ( Wednesday to Sunday )
Top projects from the open submission
Weekend: Stand ( Saturday to Sunday, only for the grand public days )
Jury recommend project from the open submission
[new!] “TransHumanism++ Stadium”
Large space (around 5m x 10m), scheduled demo, 2 hours per session (10-12h, 13-15h, 16-18h)
[Winners 2017]
Invited project from ACM SIGGRAPH
LightAir: a Novel System for Tangible Communication With Quadcopters Using Foot Gestures and Projected Images, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Perceptually Based Foveated Virtual Reality, NVIDIA Corporation
[Program Committee] TBD
Akihiko SHIRAI, Session Chair, Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Alexandre Bouchet, CLARTE
Abdelmajid Kadri, Arts et Métiers ParisTech
Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Arkansas
Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva
Juan De Joya, Pixar Animation Studios
Philippe David, SNCF
Thierry Frey, ACM SIGGRAPH
Machiko Kusahara, Waseda University
Masahiko Inami, Univ. of Tokyo
Marco Sacco, EuroVR
Yoichi Ochiai, Univ. of Tsukuba
[Official Sponsor] Gumi Inc.
[Program Partner]
Super Human Sports Society
International collegiate Virtual Reality Contest (IVRC)
Laval Virtual 2016
開催期間: 2016年3月23~27日
開催地: フランス・ラバル(Laval, France)
LAVAL VIRTUAL は、最新技術やバーチャルリアリティ、拡張現実、リアルタイム3D、没入型体験、ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション、インタラクティブデザインの分野において欧州市場へのアプローチと革新的なアプリケーションを発見する最高の機会です。
国際公募VRデモ展 ReVolution は毎年現れる新たな技術の中で、最も革新的なプロジェクトに対して展示や称賛の機会を与えます。
専門家や科学者によって構成された審査員に選出された最高のプロジェクトは LAVAL VIRTUAL に招聘され展示する機会を得ることができます。
Laval Virtual は、公式に日本の国際学生VRコンテスト(IVRC)や米国ACM SIGGRAPHとの提携を締結しており、展示参加された優秀なVR作品の交換交流を行っています。昨年度は、IVRC2014より、「CHILDHOOD」(筑波大)が招待され、展示発表を行いメディア・一般・専門家に大きな評価を得ました。
ReVolutionから米国ACM SIGGRAPHに選出される特別推薦もあります。
– Semiotics for Beginners, Daniel Chandler