

私は先週、沢山自分のアパートで眠たり、研究室でプログラミングしたり、Book Offで漫画を読んだり、そして厚木市の至る所で散歩したり、しました。先週の土曜日に白井研究室は厚木市の山で野営ゼミが催されました。白井研究室の卒業生、現役四年生、他に研究室からの四年生、それに白井研究室に入る志望の学生を、三十人の学生が野営に出席しました。火を焚いて、肉と野菜を焼いて、バーベキューを食べて、ハンドヘルドゲームを遊んで、そして野営隣の川中に水で遊びました。皆は午前十時から、午後五時まで無休に遊びました。あの日の天気はとても暑いですが、全員はとても楽しそうでした。それに私は日本人の友達と日本で沢山話し合いました。概ね、野営は良いし、楽しいのイベントなので、とても満足です。

Hello everyone, Rex here, I just got back from the Japan Golden week, which is a long vacation resulted from combining several national holidays together. The holidays that were packed together to form golden week include the Showa Day, Constitution Memorial Day, Green Day (environmental protection day), and the children’s day. This is one of the most important and longest vacations in Japan and because of this Japanese people tend to take their entire family out on long vacations within Japan or abroad. As for me I didn’t go anywhere, simply slept a lot, went to comic shops to read manga, did some programming in my lab, and walked all over the Atsugi city. I actually walked around the city so much that I got bored of it.

On Saturday, May 6th, Shirai lab held a big picnic up on the mountains of Atsugi city. That morning me and a couple of my lab friends met at the Hon-Atsugi station, purchased all the meat we need for the party, and then drove back to the university to organize our supplies before taking off for the camping ground. In total around 30 students attended the event as not only are current lab members invited, but also students who graduated from the lab, other 4th year students, as well as students aspire to join Shirai-lab. We had a lot of fun at the camping ground and I got the unique chance to practice my Japanese with other Japanese students. It was also a joy to meet previous graduates of Shirai-lab and ask them how they are doing now that their job has started.

Lastly this time my Japanese was checked by Takeda, I am surprised by how little mistake I made this time! Overall I made only about three of them.
